Aerospace Design and Structures
Exceptional year for R&D in structural dynamics
From commercial to X-planes, a year of design progress
Interest grows in deployable structures
Interest grows in digital twins, digital engineering
Structures small to large take shape
Surviving fragment impacts and fires
Testing a variety of adaptive structures
Aerospace Outreach
A nod to tragic and triumphant events
Industry sees increased profits, major acquisitions
New asteroid missions; Cassini comes to end
Programs encourage carbon-emission reductions
Space commerce, drones draw legal interest
Space geeks and others bask in solar eclipse
Turning-point year for urban mobility, electric aircraft
Aerospace Sciences
Advances in ultra-short laser pulse technology
Dream Chaser completes a captive carry
Drone registration, reusing first stages
Focus on ability to predict separated flow
Improving measurement with spinning mirrors, schlieren images and magnetic suspension
Meshing, visualization tests show promise
New missions and fiery end to Cassini
Public and private sector improve wind tunnels
Research targets quiet, efficient flight
Tech demonstration for future rotocraft
Training pilots to avoid, react to stalls
Understanding highly 3-D icing accretion
Validating advanced thermophysics models
Aircraft Technology, Integration and Operations
Airbus, Boeing airliners make first flights
Efficiency and capability drive flight testing in 2017
Hybrid airships move closer to commercial flight
Hypersonic work emphasizes practicality
NASA, FAA roll out apps for improved flight efficiency
Novel aircraft are being safely integrated into airspace
Real-world applications, support for Starline test
V-22s sold to Japan; electric aircraft being developed
Information Systems
Attention on drone safety and data collection
Autonomous drone test opens up possibility of low-level urban flights
Communications systems: continued disruption and transformation
Computing advances push manufacturing, design, deep learning
Push for shared standards on military platforms
Standards group releases UAS publications
Propulsion and Energy
A banner year for future flight
Advances in cubesat propulsion, launch technology
Advances made toward rotating detonation engines
Boundary layer ingestion could help commercial aircraft efficiency
Certifications show gas turbine engine progress
Electric rockets power bigger share
Hybrid rockets: To wax or to whirl?
Missile launches, large space boosters register solid performances
Newest data challenges assumptions and norms
Progress achieved on liquid propulsion systems for Space Launch System
Simulation and ground testing mark progress
Testing alternative fuels, solar-thermal systems
Voyagers hit 40 years operating, Cassini mission ends
Space and Missiles