Air Traffic Management and Control

A new light for safety

By Keith Button

May 1, 2024

Despite the brushes with aircraft collisions at U.S. airports, FAA has no plans to expand its most elaborate and expensive ground collision alert technology beyond the 20 airports that already have it. Keith Button spoke to FAA-funded researchers who believe they might have a lower-cost solution.

What’s next? A personal air vehicle revolution

October 1, 2023

Those electric air taxis we hear so much about could turn out to be a stepping stone to a transportation revolution that will change where and how we live and maybe help clean up the planet. Futurist Dennis M. Bushnell explains.

Ending runway incursions

By Keith Button

May 1, 2023

The spate of near collisions at U.S. airports this year has energized discussions in the industry over technical and human factors solutions. An alert system rolled out so far to only 20 airports in the U.S. could point the way. Keith Button tells the story.

Tomorrow’s connected cockpit is taking shape now

October 1, 2020

In the coming years, the FAA and equivalent authorities around the world must establish an air transportation network that can welcome futuristic aircraft and hitherto unseen flight volumes. The FAA’s NextGen air transportation network is a good start, but more is needed. Gregg Leone and Emily Stelzer of the MITRE Corp.’s Center for Advanced Aviation System Development in Virginia give us a glimpse of the future.

Decision time for Trump

May 17, 2017

2 leading aerospace journalists analyze the most important decisions facing President Donald Trump's administration

Stall recovery

March 6, 2017

Businesses are racing to meet an FAA mandate for training

Taming NextGen

By Ben Iannotta

October 18, 2016

Jim Eck, FAA’s assistant administrator for the Next Generation Air Transportation System