
September 2024

AIAA Foundation Making an Impact: 2024 AIAA Graduate and Undergraduate Awards and Scholarship Winners Announced

The AIAA Foundation has announced the 26 winners of its 2024 undergraduate scholarships and graduate awards. Through its Foundation and supported by nearly 30,000 members, AIAA awards over $100,000 in academic scholarships and STEM educational grants to support the next generation of aerospace professionals.

2024 Graduate Award Winners

Dr. Hassan A. Hassan Graduate Award in Aerospace Engineering
Brian Shi
North Carolina State University
Amount of Award: $7,000
Brian is a highly motivated graduate student at NC State University specializing in multiscale, multiphase computational fluid dynamics (CFD). He is passionate about learning and applying advanced numerical techniques to solve complex fluid dynamics problems. With a strong foundation in fluid mechanics, mathematics, and programming, he is experienced in developing and implementing computational models to simulate fluid. With hands-on experience in utilizing state-of-the-art software tools and conducting research in CFD, Brian looks forward to contributing his skills and knowledge to innovative projects in fluid dynamics that bring efficient, high-fidelity CFD models to academia and industry to push the envelope of what is imaginable and what is implementable in aviation.
I am extremely grateful for being chosen for this award because it is a recognition of my efforts and propels me to reach for even greater heights. While it does provide financial support, it more importantly fuels my determination, empowering me to become a better graduate student, researcher, and engineer.

Jeffrey Whitenack
North Carolina State University
Amount of Award: $7,000
Jeffrey is a recent Aerospace Engineering graduate from North Carolina State University. He plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from NC State University and study supersonic aerodynamics and aeroballistics. He hopes to make a difference in the field of aeronautics and use his experience to continue research following his graduation.
This award will help me a tremendous amount by helping to relieve the financial stresses of taking graduate courses and having to pay off undergraduate loans. Furthermore, this award will allow me to focus more on classes and research rather than other sources of finances.

Neil Armstrong Graduate Award
Renee Spear
University of Colorado Boulder
Amount of Award: $5,000
Renee is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Colorado Boulder studying Aerospace Engineering Sciences – Astrodynamics and Satellite Navigation under Prof. Natasha Bosanac. Renee’s dissertation research is focused on developing a new method for collision-free spacecraft trajectory design in multibody gravitational systems. After graduation, her goal is to work as an astrodynamicist designing spacecraft trajectories in multibody systems for lunar and deep space exploration.
Receiving this graduate award supports me in my final year as a Ph.D. student by providing me with the resources and time to focus on completing my dissertation research while also continuing to pursue mentorship activities through the aerospace department.

Orville & Wilbur Wright Graduate Award
Aashutosh Mishra
Auburn University
Amount of Award: $5,000
Aashutosh is pursuing his Ph.D. in aerospace engineering at Auburn University. His research at the Vehicle Systems, Dynamics, and Design Lab (VSDDL) focuses on developing a generalized vehicle sizing and flight simulation framework mainly tailored toward urban air mobility (UAM) concepts. The goal of his study is to integrate the flight dynamic characteristics into the conceptual design stage to ensure that the vehicle so sized exhibits desirable flying qualities. After completing his Ph.D., his goal is to gain a deeper understanding of vehicle design within the UAM industries, with a goal to bridge the gap between computational models and flight tests. He wants to contribute to the efforts being made in the FAA certification program, which is vital for successful UAM vehicle development.
Much like the Wright brothers, who pioneered sustained and controlled flight, I aspire to give my best efforts in laying down the design principles for unconventional flight vehicles. Receiving the Orville and Wilbur Wright Graduate Award truly adds wind beneath my wings and fuels my unwavering commitment.

Shilpa Sajeev
Texas A&M University
Amount of Award: $5,000
Shilpa is a fourth-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, advised by Prof. Diego Donzis. She has completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s in Aerospace Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Her research involves the development of a novel numerical method of studying turbulent flows, called Selected Eddy Simulations (SES). Access to high-fidelity lower-cost methods like SES can expedite the design process of engineering devices. Shilpa loves the classroom as much as her lab and plans on pursuing an academic career after graduation. She is interested in energy and environment applications of fluid dynamics, especially in aerospace. She hopes to advocate for students and researchers from underrepresented communities and advance the next generation of scientists, engineers, and leaders.
This recognition of my work and its potential from AIAA has strengthened my belief in the value of fundamental research in aerospace and encourages me to continue pursuing it. I am honored to receive this graduate award. I hope this inspires those who see parts of themselves in me.

Guidance, Navigation, & Control Graduate Award
Ramchander Bhaskara
Texas A&M University
Amount of Award: $3,500
Ram is a Ph.D. candidate in Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University under the direction of Dr. Manoranjan Majji. The focus of his research is on developing heterogenous hardware accelerators for on-board data processing. His goal is to develop embedded navigation filters and signal processing pipelines for aerospace applications, considering the constraints of finite precision and real-time implementation. He aspires to contribute to the advancement of spaceflight computing, optical sensors, and space scene simulations for planetary robotic exploration. He is a member of the AIAA Sensor Systems and Information Fusion Technical Committee. At Texas A&M, he works on organizing professional development activities for graduate students in the Aerospace Engineering department.
I am grateful to AIAA for this award in recognition of my research work and proposal. This inspires me to uphold a responsibility to advance and contribute valuable scientific tools. This would not have been possible without the support of my advisor, Dr. Manoranjan Majji, my mentors, and friends.

Luis De Florez Graduate Award in Flight Simulation
Loren Newton
Stanford University
Amount of Award: $3,500
Loren is a Ph.D. student in Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University. His doctoral research, advised by Professor Ilan Kroo, focuses on applying machine learning-based control design techniques to improve handling qualities of piloted aircraft. Outside of school, Loren is a student co-op engineer at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, where he has worked in the fields of dynamics and controls and operations engineering since 2015. He is additionally a private pilot with instrument and glider ratings. In the future, Loren aims to continue investigating questions in aerospace vehicle dynamics as a flight test engineer and researcher, while mentoring others to follow their own career paths.
This award allows me to continue freely pursuing my doctoral research, independent of external funding constraints. I am greatly honored to receive this award; in my career I aspire to make contributions to flight research and operations that are as forward-thinking and impactful as those of Rear Admiral de Florez.

Liquid Propulsion TC Graduate Award
Garrett Cobb
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Amount of Award: $2,500
Garrett is a third-year graduate student studying mechanical engineering. He earned a B.S. in engineering mechanics from the University of Wisconsin in 2021. Currently he is researching the viability of fuel film cooling as a viable thermal management strategy for liquid fueled rotating detonation rocket engines for thruster-sized applications. He ultimately aims to work on research and development of advanced liquid propulsion technologies to enable more responsive and flexible spacecraft operations in government research labs or industry.
The graduate award is a great honor that will support my academic pursuits and career aspirations. In addition to easing the financial burdens of graduate school, it will help me achieve my goal of contributing to meaningful propulsion advancements in the space industry.

John Leland Atwood Graduate Award
Lauren Paulson
Georgia Institute of Technology
Amount of Award: $1,250
Lauren is a second-year Ph.D. student in Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Tech. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the same institution in 2023. Lauren is currently researching the safety and certification of electric aircraft with the NASA EPFD project. Lauren was also the project manager of a research project on designing non-terrestrial aircraft to study the surface of Titan in more detail. Finally, she is doing research into impact studies of ISRU technology and space policies on lunar habitation. Lauren previously served as a Packaging Engineering Intern at Draper’s Harsh Environments Group, secured through the Brooke Owens Fellowship. Lauren is also an instrument-rated pilot with the Yellow Jacket Flying Club, with over 200 flight hours.
Receiving this scholarship will allow me to continue flight training, attend aerospace conferences, cover school fees, and support additional educational opportunities. This support will enable me to create better research which will hopefully ultimately contribute to the advancement of human space exploration.

Martin Summerfield Propellants & Combustion Graduate Award
Taaresh Sanjeev Taneja
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Amount of Award: $1,250
aaresh is a 5th year Ph.D. candidate focusing his research on the fundamental modeling of non-equilibrium plasma-assisted combustion for propulsion and energy generation applications. Throughout his Ph.D., he has developed several models with varying levels of fidelity and focus to model different aspects of non-equilibrium plasma – from chemical kinetics to streamers to large eddy simulation of plasma-assisted combustion. He has also interned at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory on projects involving the computational modeling of ammonia combustion. Taaresh plans to explore diverse applications of non-equilibrium plasma in various technological fields after graduating. He has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India.
My goal is to pursue impactful research using computation to model nonlinear, complex, and multiple interacting physical phenomena that can empower technological innovation such as sustainable propulsion, energy generation, and manufacturing and help solve challenges such as pollution control to prevent climate change.

Gordon C. Oates Air Breathing Propulsion Graduate Award
Troy Krizak
Ohio State University
Amount of Award: $1,000
roy is currently an aerospace engineering doctoral candidate in the Gas Turbine Laboratory, studying under Professor Kiran D’Souza. Troy’s research is focused on the structural dynamics of single stage bladed disks within the compressor sections of gas turbines. He mainly employs reduced order models to effectively capture the intricate attributes of damping and mistuning within the bladed disk system. He is driven to continue to pursue research after graduation and ultimately wants to make meaningful contributions to the aerospace industry.
This recognition validates my hard work and dedication, boosting my confidence and reaffirming my belief in my research. Receiving this honor not only provides financial assistance but also serves as a catalyst for long-term success, and I am very grateful for being bestowed with this prestigious award.

William T. Piper Graduate Award in General Aviation
Suzanne Swaine
Purdue University
Amount of Award: $1,000
Suzanne is a full-time Aerospace Systems Ph.D. student at Purdue University, studying under Dr. William Crossley. She is also the Membership Subcommittee Chair for the AIAA Aircraft Design Technical Committee. Suzanne hopes to become a professor after graduation and continue her involvement with AIAA and STEM outreach activities. Before becoming a Boilermaker, Suzanne worked as an Aircraft Performance Technical Specialist at Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation. While at Gulfstream, she was heavily involved in the Savannah Section of AIAA, including as chair of the section. Suzanne is originally from Canada where she completed her Master’s of Applied Science in Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University, studying under Dr. Rob Langlois. Her Bachelor’s of Aerospace Engineering is also from Carleton.
I am very grateful for being recognized with the William T. Piper Graduate Award. I often feel my research is in a niche that receives little attention, so it is very encouraging to know my work is valued by the General Aviation community. I am excited for the opportunity to present at 2024 AIAA AVIATION Forum!

2024 Undergraduate Scholarship Winners

AIAA Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson Scholarship
Leslie Nava
Georgia Institute of Technology
Amount of Award: $10,000
When Leslie envisions her future, her eyes set on the sky. Leslie’s parents molded her to be a person of hard work and community, introducing her to the world of engineering and aviation. Moved by the thrill of flight, Leslie sets her sights on aviation and aerospace engineering. This fall, she will attend the Georgia Institute of Technology for Aerospace Engineering and AFROTC, where she will seek to gain skills to be an influential engineer, public speaker, entrepreneur, and airline pilot. Leslie aspires to share her knowledge with others to expand the world of aeronautics and STEM among minorities by building a flight school designated for them in Mexico so they can thrive in adversity and become innovative leaders in society.
I am grateful to be the recipient of the AIAA Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson Scholarship. It will help me to achieve my passions in aviation and engineering, permitting me to continue inspiring others about the possibilities in these fields and motivating them to stop resisting and start existing.

Faith Colon
University of Southern California
Amount of Award: $10,000
Faith is studying Astronautical Engineering with a deep interest in material science for space applications. She enjoys participating in organizations such as USC’s Rocket Propulsion Lab (solid-fueled rocketry) and as a new member of USC’s Liquid Propulsion Lab (liquid-fueled rockets). Through these organizations, she continuously expands her understanding of and passion for rocketry and material science. The field of engineering demands perpetual learning and growth. Thus, Faith anticipates the challenges and discoveries that lie ahead on her journey as an astronautical engineer.
Receiving an award from AIAA empowers me to pursue my goals in astronautical engineering while exploring material science for space applications. This scholarship will enable me to dedicate more time and energy to internships, extracurriculars, and research in material science for aerospace applications.

Daedalus 88 Scholarship
Alfonso Lagares de Toledo
Georgia Institute of Technology
Amount of Award: $10,000
Alfonso is an undergraduate aerospace engineering student at Georgia Tech. He is dedicated to improving the reliability of avionics systems for space missions. He leads the Georgia Tech Experimental Rocketry team, overseeing the design and launch of high-altitude rockets. He is also an undergraduate researcher at the Planetary eXploration Lab (PXL), developing life-seeking instruments for missions around Earth and the broader solar system. His career goals include making space missions more accessible and affordable by minimizing the risks and costs associated with avionics systems. Alfonso plans to gain experience through academic programs and industry roles, aiming to drive innovation in avionics reliability and contribute to groundbreaking missions that push the boundaries of current aerospace technology.
The support from this AIAA scholarship will enable me to continue my undergraduate studies, hoping to continue on to a Master’s and Ph.D. program. This award will allow me to concentrate on my research and advance my goal of making reliable avionics accessible for all space missions.

David and Catherine Thompson Space Technology Scholarship
Daniel Grammer
University of Maryland, College Park
Amount of Award: $10,000
Daniel is a rising senior studying aerospace engineering with a minor in nuclear engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. Last summer, he investigated the potential for miniaturized pulse combustion in active flow control applications and presented his research at AIAA SciTech Forum. Currently, Daniel is working to create a model of UMD’s nuclear reactor in Python for Monte Carlo simulations in student research and evaluating experiment feasibility. He is also a senior liaison for UMD’s AIAA student branch and the launch director for the Balloon Payload Program. Daniel is passionate about the future of nuclear power in space travel given the astounding energy density of fissile fuels, and he intends to pursue a Ph.D in nuclear engineering to explore possible future technologies.
This scholarship will allow me to focus on my schoolwork and research instead of working to cover my living expenses. I am extraordinarily grateful for this award, and I hope to achieve great things with your support!

Vicki and George Muellner Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering
Timothy Shoup
Oklahoma State University
Amount of Award: $5,000
Tim is a rising senior at Oklahoma State University studying aerospace and mechanical engineering with an interest in the aeronautical industry. He has been involved with his school’s AIAA student branch since his freshman year and has served in multiple leadership positions, most recently as AIAA Student Branch President during his junior year, during which he helped plan the 2024 AIAA Regional Student Conference in conjunction with other student leaders and professional leaders. He is currently working with Spirit AeroSystems as a Systems Design engineering intern. He looks forward to contributing to the aeronautical industry in ways that help advance the field and keep people safe while doing so.
I am incredibly grateful to receive this scholarship. It will go a long way in helping me in my pursuit of my aerospace and mechanical engineering degree. Even with the jobs I’m working during the school year and summers, the cost of college far exceeds the income I earn. Thank you so much for awarding me this scholarship!

Denise Ponchak Digital Avionics Scholarship
Paul Odewale
Federal University of Technology,
Akure, Nigeria
Amount of Award: $3,000
Paul is a student of electrical and electronics engineering, studying for a bachelor’s degree that will assist him in pursuing a career in the aeronautics industry as a digital avionics engineer. He has always been interested in knowing everything about how potential advancements in digital design could be utilized to improve the speed and efficiency of airplanes. Paul enjoys all things planes and has gravitated toward working on exciting projects that shape the digital avionics system. He is a student member of AIAA and IEEE. Through these societies along with his academics and internships, he is passionate about researching the intersection of electronics and avionics and its utility in addressing pressing aeronautic electrical challenges.
Thanks to AIAA, I am one step closer to my goal of pursuing a career as a digital avionics engineer. This scholarship will lighten my financial burden, allow me to focus more on the essential aspects of school and will be of great help in paying my research expenses, allowing me to spend more of my time on studying.

Wernher Von Braun Scholarship
Jaxon Strank
Florida Institute of Technology
Amount of Award: $5,000
Jaxon is a rising junior studying aerospace engineering. Jaxon has been involved in AIAA for two years and currently serves as vice president of the Florida Tech student branch. Last year, he worked with his branch to support the largest regional student conference at Kennedy Space Center, with over 400+ attendees from 20+ universities. This year Jaxon is supporting the Florida Tech AIAA Panther Rocketry Team in pursuit their goal to cross the Karman Line. After graduation, he wants to get as much challenging hands-on work as possible as a fluids test engineer working on fighter jet and/or rocket engines.
This award has eased the burden of paying for my degree at Florida Tech and allows me to focus more attention on my studies and supporting Panther Rocketry’s goals this year.

Dr. James Rankin Digital Avionics Scholarship
Jeremy Kuznetsov
University of Maryland, College Park
Amount of Award: $3,000
Jeremy is an Aerospace Engineering and Math dual-degree student. He has experience in high-altitude ballooning, robotics/autonomy research, and interned twice at JPL working on the NISAR and Venus Aerobot missions. He serves as the secretary of the AIAA UMD student branch, the student president of the Nearspace Ballooning Program, a member of the UMD College of Computer/Mathematical/Natural Sciences Dean’s Student Advisory Committee, and a director of community STEM educational outreach programs. Jeremy plans to contribute to aerospace robotics research on his way to becoming an astronaut candidate, and is excited to run an engineering startup in the future.
This award allows me to invest in myself and my community despite the uncertainties and challenges of life. I get to thoroughly explore my passions in undergraduate research and ensure that I am doing my best to improve the world through an adventurous and entrepreneurial spirit!

Dr. Amy Prichett Digital Avionics Scholarship
Julianna Schneider
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Amount of Award: $3,000
Julianna is a junior at MIT double-majoring in AI & Decision-Making and Mathematics. She conducts research on control policies and neural network architectures for the MIT Mini Cheetah and Humanoid. She interned at NVIDIA and Lockheed Martin working on data acquisition for large language models and autonomous navigation for helicopters, respectively. Serving on the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and MIT EECS Department’s Undergraduate Advisory Boards, she advocates for and enacts improvements to the undergraduate experience in collaboration with department deans. She has been named a U.S. Presidential Scholar, AIAA Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson Scholar, and National Merit Scholar. She aspires to earn a graduate degree to pursue a career in developing aerial and robotic systems that help humans live more safe and fulfilled lives.
I am truly honored to have been chosen for the prestigious Dr. Amy R. Pritchett Digital Avionics Scholarship. This recognition not only highlights my academic achievements but also underscores the vital role of interdisciplinary research in AI, robotics, and aerospace.

Ellis F. Hitt Digital Avionics Scholarship
Danie Ashley Ayimbombi
University of Kentucky
Amount of Award: $3,000
Danie is majoring in Mechanical Engineering, with a certificate in Aerospace Engineering, and physics minor. She is dedicated to research on drone boats for environmental sampling and aims to innovate solutions for space debris and vehicle return mechanisms. Danie aspires to pursue a master’s in aerospace engineering, contributing to advancements in space technology. She has held leadership roles in NSBE, is a devoted member of AIAA, and actively enhances student experiences as the Director of Market Research at Students Activities Board. Danie is committed to positively impacting her community through her various professional affiliations, leadership roles and internships.
This award has given me the opportunity to dedicate more time for my studies and projects, while striving for continuous improvement academically and professionally. It is better to take your chances than to spend forever wondering what the outcome would be if you did. Thanks, AIAA!

Cary Spitzer Digital Avionics Scholarship
Mouhamadou Diop
Kennesaw State University
Amount of Award: $3,000
Mouhamadou is currently studying Mechanical Engineering at Kennesaw State University. With a strong passion for aviation, he aspires to become an Aeronautical Engineer and an A&P (Airframe and Powerplant) Aircraft Maintenance Technician. Mouhamadou is particularly interested in the development and implementation of biofuels, aiming to contribute to more sustainable and environmentally friendly aviation technologies.
Receiving this scholarship will alleviate the stress of tuition, allowing me to focus more on my studies and career goals. It will help cover classes not funded by financial aid and reduce the time I need to spend on labor, enabling me to dedicate myself exclusively to my academic pursuits in aeronautical engineering.

Space Transportation TC Scholarship
Benjamin Stroup
Texas A&M University
Amount of Award: $1,500
Ben is a senior Aerospace Engineering major, with minors in Nuclear Engineering and Mathematics. He has nearly two years of full-time experience working at NASA Johnson Space Center, where he is now a Pathways Intern. His experience includes space robotics integration, real-time engineering operations, radiation hardness assurance, and propulsion systems on the ISS, Gateway, and Artemis programs. This coming spring, Ben will transition to Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville as a Pathways Intern to pursue the development of space nuclear propulsion systems. Upon graduation in fall 2026, Ben will begin a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering to further NASA’s mission of putting humans on Mars through the use of nuclear propulsion.
My goal is to help my parents in the best way I can by becoming fully financially independent, and this award takes me one step closer.

Leatrice Gregory Pendray Scholarship
Jessica Tomshack
Colorado School of Mines
Amount of Award: $1,250
Jessica is a senior studying Mechanical Engineering with a focus in Aerospace Engineering. Upon graduation in spring 2025, she hopes to work in the civil space industry in a mechanical engineering-related area, such as structural engineering, manufacturing engineering, or test engineering. Jessica has always been inspired by scientific missions studying the universe, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, missions to the outer planets like Europa Clipper, and more. Her biggest aspiration is to become a technical expert in the field and work on missions such as those.
This award will help me to finish out strong with my undergraduate degree. Receiving this scholarship means that I don’t have to worry as much about the cost of my education, and will allow me to better dedicate my energy to my studies. I am so grateful to do so in the footsteps of Mrs. Pendray.

Rocky Mountain Section Scholarship
Elizabeth Petersen
Colorado School of Mines
Amount of Award: $750
Elizabeth is an electrical engineering student at the Colorado School of Mines. She has an emphasis on radars, antennas, and wireless communications in her studies. Her future career goals include finding a company where she can work in the aerospace industry, helping protect and support our military forces through radar and satellite systems. She also hopes that she can use this knowledge and work to possibly expand her career into working with future space missions to help discover all that the universe has to offer. Outside of her career, Elizabeth hopes to also be a mentor to young future electrical engineers and aerospace enthusiasts.
Receiving this scholarship will help me continue to pursue my education and keep learning about the topics that interest me. It is going to help support my journey in aerospace and electrical engineering, bringing me further into a community of passionate engineers, scholars, scientists, and overall individuals.

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AIAA Foundation Educators: Apply for an AIAA Classroom Grant

If you are a K-12 classroom educator, don’t miss the opportunity to receive up to $500 for your STEM programs. The AIAA Foundation is working to bridge the gap in funding and support for programs with an emphasis on aerospace. The quick and easy application process is open through 30 September. For details on eligibility and to apply, go to: aiaa.org/classroomgrants.

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AIAA Program AIAA Summit Explored the Evolution of Space Heritage

A conference with people seated in an auditorium, a speaker at a podium, and a woman in the audience speaking into a microphone. A screen displays a presentation in the background.
The Summit on Outer Space Heritage, 5 June 2024. Credit: AIAA

In honor of the 55th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, AIAA and the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (NASM) organized a Summit on Outer Space Heritage at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center on 5 June 2024. The event explored the evolution of space heritage since the historic Apollo 11 mission, and the ways in which the Artemis Accords provides a framework for international partnerships and agreements regarding the sustainable exploration of space as well as the use of space-related resources.

The Artemis Accords can impact decisions regarding space preservation, scientific data collection, engineering research and development, professional opportunities, investment priorities, and the legal and policy-oriented frameworks that make building the off-world future possible. As lunar exploration activity increases, especially at the lunar South Pole, there is an urgent need for coordination, the establishment of common norms and practices, and the prevention of harmful interference between missions. The invited experts, which included engineers, scientists, policy experts, legal scholars, conservators, collectors, and industry thought leaders, examined outer space heritage sites from the perspectives of engineering, science, policy, cultural heritage, economics, and law. A report on the summit will be released in October.

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Section News AIAA North Texas Inspires & Educates at Moon Day STEM Event

Collage showing children participating in educational activities at an event, with a U.S. Navy plane in the background and Navy personnel engaging with attendees in various interactive displays.
(L) Students making paper airplanes; (top R) F-35 test pilot Scott “Shark” McLaren interacts with a student; (bottom R) Former USAF F-22 test pilot and AIAA North Texas member Kevin Christensen Bell helps with the F-35 simulator. Credit: AIAA North Texas Section

On 20 July, the 55th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, AIAA North Texas inspired and educated young people and their parents about aerospace and the great opportunities for the future at the Frontiers of Flight Museum’s Moon Day STEM Event with several interactive activities. Moon Day celebrates the anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing and also showcases the incredible journey of space exploration—past, present, and future. Our activities were accomplished in partnership with the Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP) and Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE) with support from Lockheed Martin.

Many other university teams and organizations supported the event, helping kids make paper airplanes, measure time and distance of flight, and calculating its resultant average velocity. Kids were then given the exciting opportunity to fly the F-35 simulator. At the end of the day, members of the UTD Rocket Team met with keynote speaker Greg “Box” Johnson, retired NASA astronaut and Lockheed Martin test pilot.

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Section News AIAA New England Hosts Annual Honors & Awards Event

Two men deliver presentations in a lecture setting. The man on the left gestures with his hands, while the man on the right speaks into a microphone. Both are dressed in formal attire.
Mark Maybury (l); Stephen Smith (r). Credit: AIAA New England Section

The AIAA New England Section recognized members of the New England aerospace community for contributions to the fields of aerospace engineering and education at its annual event on 24 May, which was hosted at the Draper Laboratory.

Members were treated to a keynote talk by Mark Maybury, Vice President of Commercialization at Lockheed Martin. Maybury’s presentation, “The Promise of Generative AI,” dived into the plethora of opportunities offered by generative AI to enhance the technology and autonomy of aircraft, fire-fighting strategy, collision avoidance systems, and other cutting-edge technology in the aerospace industry. The talk highlighted several developmental efforts by Lockheed Martin utilizing AI in multiple product lines, greatly inspiring students, early career engineers, and professionals in the New England region. Stephen Smith, Principal Director, Engineering at Draper, gave an overview of the organization for the crowd.

Maybury and Smith also recognized individuals and presented their awards. Awardees were:
Matt Damiano – Young Professional Award
Paul Slaboch (University of Hartford) – STEM Educator Award
Cedric Turner (Brockton Highschool, Empower Yourself Inc.) – STEM Educator Award
Maura Barrada (Brockton Highschool, Empower Yourself Inc.) – Rising Professional in Aerospace Award
Aaryan Nagarkatti (Westborough High School) – Rising Professional in Aerospace Award

The section’s Class of 2024 Honorary Fellows, Fellows, and Associate Fellows were also recognized during this event, as were volunteers and outgoing council members.
The event provided an opportunity to network with peers, inform professional curiosity, and aid the students in exploring their career potential career paths as they engage with attendees. We thank Draper for sponsoring the event, which was planned by Shreyas Hegde (AIAA NE Section chair) with the support Jimmy Wetzel (Young Professional chair) and Hiro Endo (advisor).

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Committee News The Impact of Space-Based Observation — 2024 SSTC Essay Contest Winners Announced

Four children smiling; two boys on the left and a girl and boy on the right. The background includes a lush landscape, a stadium, and an indoor setting.
(L to R) Ayush Rausari, Aditi Shikarpuri, Christian Anderson, and Riley Meagher. Credit: AIAA SSTC

There are countless ways in which technological advancements in space systems have transformed the way we do things on Earth. In particular, satellite technology and remote sensing have revolutionized several industries from agriculture to defense. In this year’s AIAA Space Systems Technical Committee (SSTC) annual middle school essay contest, students were encouraged to pick one industry and compare the impact of space, air and ground-based observation. This also called for an understanding of different types of data resolution and how satellite data offers improvements or is limited in certain ways.

SSTC is committed to directly inspire students and to partner with AIAA sections in educational pursuits. AIAA Los Angeles, Rocky Mountain, Cape Canaveral, Hampton Roads, National Capital, St Louis, Central Coast of California, and Southwest Texas sections sponsored local contests for seventh and eighth grade students and submitted the winning essays to the national contest. The first-, second-, and third-place national contest winners in each grade were awarded $125, $75, and $50 prizes, respectively. The six students also received a one-year AIAA student membership.

The first-place winner for 7th grade, Ayush Rausari (St. Louis Section), discussed the history and evolution of navigation using satellite data. The second-place winner, Aditi Shikarpuri (At-Large Category) focused on the advancement in airplane operations and traffic management, while the third-place winner, Christian Anderson (Central Coast of California Section), looked outward and considered advancements in scientific understanding of the universe and planetary defense.

The first-place winner for 8th grade, Riley Meagher (Los Angeles Section), discussed how environment monitoring leverages satellites to track broad-scale and long-term climate change. The second-place winner, Ben Santos (Rocky Mountain Section), considered various modes of Earth observation from the ISS and the impact of data resolution. The third-place winner, Isabella Vidal (Southwest Texas Section), presented the impact of satellite imagery on different stages of construction.

All 2024 winning essays can be found below. The topic for 2025 is “Explore the growing population of objects in Earth orbit, identifying contributing causes, consequences, traffic management implications, mitigation approaches, and prospects for the future.”

If you, your school, or section is interested in participating in the 2025 contest, please contact SSTC organizers Smrithi Keerthivarman (smrithik@umich.edu), Oliver Jia-Richards (oliverjr@umich.edu), or your local section for more details.

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AIAA Committees Explore the Effects of Space Observation. Investigate Revolutionary Advancements in Satellite Technology. Consider the Differences in Data Resolution. Discuss how Space Observation Has Either Complemented or Replaced the Other Observation Methods. (1st place, 8th grade)

The Effects of Space Observation on Environmental Monitoring

Riley Meagher, PVIS
Teacher: Ms. Kier, Period 1

The integration and evolution of space observation technology has profoundly impacted the environmental monitoring industry, allowing for detailed tracking of changes in land use, pollution levels, and ecosystem health. This data offers essential insights for conservation efforts, sustainable land management, and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Satellites play a pivotal role in monitoring earth’s ecosystems and climate patterns and have revolutionized the practices and strategies of the environmental observation industry. Their ability to monitor a multitude of environmental changes ranging from the melting of ice and permafrost to the measure of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere provides invaluable information about earth’s evolving climate. They are able to collect data from locations all around the world, many of which are inaccessible to humans or other technology, as well as providing constant and reliable data. Furthermore, satellites can identify the movement and even sources of pollution, which is essential for implementing measures to reduce current pollution and prevent it from escalating in the future.

Through their spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions, satellites offer a comprehensive view of our planet’s evolving environments. Spatial resolution refers to how detailed an image is based on the smallest feature that can be identified. In satellites tasked with environmental monitoring, low spatial resolution is often used. The article “Exploring the Spectrum of Satellite Imagery Spatial Resolutions” by Anastasia Sarelli delineates the significance of low spatial resolution in environmental satellites. “The primary strength of low-resolution imagery lies in its capacity to cover extensive areas in a single snapshot, making it ideal for tasks requiring a broad-scale perspective, such as regional planning, climate studies, and ecosystem monitoring” (Sarelli, 2024). This wide-scale imagery contributes to the understanding and assessment of changes such as deforestation and weather patterns. Alternatively, a high temporal resolution, or how often data is collected in a specific area, is preferable in environmental monitoring due to its detailed change detection and ability to provide a complete picture of time-dependent dynamic processes such as atmospheric changes. Lastly, high spectral resolution, or the range and detail of wavelengths captured in an image, proves essential to observing vegetation health, assessing water quality, and identifying pollution levels due to variation in color.

Space observation has enhanced the traditional methods of environmental monitoring, offering unprecedented insights into our planet’s dynamics. While effective, in-situ measurements such as rain gauges, thermometers, and wind vanes possess a notable flaw- they require placement at exactly the point of interest and direct contact with the data they are collecting. Satellites, however, can observe the earth freely and easily access remote regions. The article “How Do Satellites Help Us Track Climate Change” by Kathryn Urban depicts the usefulness of space technology in monitoring global warming. “The satellite age has provided humans with a crucial tool for monitoring climate conditions because of the frequency and precision with which space-based instruments can measure changes in sea ice, giving us a near-constant picture of Arctic waters since 1979” (Urban, 2021). The accuracy and regularity of these measurements would not have been possible using in-situ measurements due to limitations such as accessibility and logistical issues. In addition, the continuous data collection and real-time images collected by satellites allow for a rapid analysis and response in the case of a natural disaster, while in-situ measurements require physical access to the affected area in order to access the data collected. Unlike earlier practices, satellites are also unobtrusive and cause no disturbance or harm to species or habitats, allowing data to be collected in an ecosystem without disturbing the natural balance.

Earth’s climate and environments are constantly changing, but space observation technology is changing with it. The use of satellites in environmental monitoring has revolutionized the industry’s practices, beginning a new era of innovation and discoveries essential for alleviating the negative impacts that climate change and pollution have on earth’s environments and promoting sustainable management of natural resources.

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AIAA Committees Explore the Effects of Space Observation. Investigate Revolutionary Advancements in Satellite Technology. Consider the Differences in Data Resolution. Discuss how Space Observation Has Either Complemented or Replaced the Other Observation Methods. (2nd place, 8th grade)

Explore the Effects of Space Observation

Ben Santos, Sky Vista Middle School – Cherry Creek Schools
Teacher: Mrs. Alyssa Baker

3,023 years ago, the Assyro-Babylonians were the first documented people to make astronomical observations. They had no way of knowing distances between the planets and the stars and they had none of the advanced technologies that modern-day astronomers have now. Just over 2,600 years later, the first telescope was invented and earthbound space observation truly began. Around 300 years later, the first plane was invented by the Wright brothers. In 1907, Julius Neubronner used a pigeon with a camera to take the first airborne pictures of the earth. After that, airplane and telescope technologies became much more advanced, and by the early 1900s, the first rockets to space were patented. Space observation and Earth observation (EO) have improved greatly since then, and astronomical breakthroughs have been made. By now, both the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) have figured out ways to better observe the world, using technology to their advantage.

In the United States, NASA has utilized both satellites and the International Space Station (ISS) to observe the planet everyday. On the ISS, there are ways, both hands-on and automated, to observe the planet below the space station. Astronauts living on the ISS are able to photograph the earth, natural disasters, and more using simple handheld digital cameras. Most of these pictures are taken through the station’s cupola, designed for Crew Earth Observations (CEOs).

There are also a myriad of automated instruments decorating the exterior of the ISS. These include the Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT), the Ecosystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS), and the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE III-ISS), among others. EMIT gathers data on specific minerals in Earth’s dust. It can also determine exactly what mineral is in Earth’s dust, as well as the concentration of that mineral in the dust. This ability is useful since minerals in the air can affect everything from local warming in an area to the amount of plankton in the oceans.

ECOSTRESS uses instruments to detect the temperature of the ground, which provides more accurate measurements of temperatures than measuring the air temperature does. ECOSTRESS has been used to detect “heat islands”, which are spots that are usually at least ten degrees Fahrenheit hotter than the surrounding area.

SAGE III-ISS uses instruments to find gasses and small particles in Earth’s atmosphere. These gasses and particles play a vital role in Earth’s atmospheric processes. SAGE III, along with previous SAGE experiments, has helped to prove that humans have contributed to atmospheric changes, such as changes in atmospheric ozone levels.

ESA, along with SkyfloX, has utilized airplanes flying over Europe to observe the planet for them. By putting sensors or cameras on the bottom of commercial airplanes that make regular flights over Europe that send the information back to ESA, the organization has found a way to get massive amounts of information about Earth’s surface everyday. Satellites designed for EO are expensive to build and launch, while drones are unable to see much, cannot fly very far, and have very strict regulations for flying. Airplanes, though, are cheaper to build than satellites (at least $50,000 cheaper) and have less stringent flight regulations than drones.

Some of the various modes of EO are more beneficial than others, despite all forms having their advantages and disadvantages. For example, a photograph of the earth taken from
space may show a greater area of the earth which could give more information in one
photograph, while a photograph of that same location taken from an airplane may show less of that area, which could allow for higher image quality.

A disadvantage of spaceborne EO is that light for a photograph taken from the ISS must pass through several layers of Earth’s atmosphere: the mesosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere. This may detract from the photograph’s quality or accuracy as light is refracted through layers of the atmosphere, similar to the effect that makes stars “twinkle”. A photograph taken from an airplane, however, is taken through only some of the troposphere, meaning that there is less atmosphere to affect the final photograph.

There are also some differences between these two modes of EO, such as a difference in temporal data resolution. If, like ESA has done, cameras were attached to the bottoms of airplanes, there could be plenty of images of a specific location everyday, since there are about 100,000 flights across the globe daily. While there are more airplanes flying around Earth on any given day than there are satellites designed for EO, not all flights go over a specific location everyday. The ISS, flying at 17,500 miles per hour around the planet, can pass over any one point between 52 degrees North and South multiple times a day, taking many images of one location daily.

Spatial resolution must also be taken into consideration while observing Earth. Most photographs taken from the ISS are taken with a spatial resolution of about three meters, meaning that every pixel in one of these images is representative of 3 square meters of land on the surface of the planet. Some images taken by airplanes have a worse resolution—between five and seven meters. However, there are many photographs taken from aircraft that have a better spatial resolution—one meter or smaller, even down to thirty centimeters.

Taking photographs of the earth that can be used for scientific research lies in a delicate balance, relying on the resolution of the image, how much of the planet can be photographed in one photo, along with other variables, such as the light being imaged from a camera, be it visible or infrared light. Almost all space agencies have utilized satellites and airplanes for EO throughout the years, from a pigeon with a camera to today’s satellites, space stations, and airplanes. No one form of EO would suffice for scientific research, which is why having so many forms of EO going everyday is vital to the future of scientific Earth-related research.

Works Cited

“About Terra | Terra.” NASA’s Terra, https://terra.nasa.gov/about. Accessed 16 April 2024.

“Earth Observation From the Space Station.” NASA, 29 May 2023, https://www.nasa.gov/missions/station/earth-observation-from-the-space-station/.
Accessed 16 April 2024.

“A history of astrometry – Part I Mapping the sky from ancient to pre-modern times.” ESA Science & Technology, https://sci.esa.int/web/gaia/-/53196-the-oldest-sky-maps. Accessed 16 April 2024.

“Observing our Planet.” National Air and Space Museum, https://airandspace.si.edu/explore/stories/observing-our-planet. Accessed 16 April 2024.

Riebeek, Holli. “Satellite Observations | Terra.” NASA’s Terra, https://terra.nasa.gov/citizen-science/air-quality/part-ii-track-pollution-from-space.
Accessed 16 April 2024.

“Smart Earth monitoring by commercial airline fleets.” European Space Agency, https://www.esa.int/Applications/Technology_Transfer/Smart_Earth_monitoring_by_com
mercial_airline_fleets. Accessed 16 April 2024.

“SOFIA.” NASA Science, https://science.nasa.gov/mission/sofia/. Accessed 16 April 2024.

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AIAA Committees Explore the Effects of Space Observation. Investigate Revolutionary Advancements in Satellite Technology. Consider the Differences in Data Resolution. Discuss how Space Observation Has Either Complemented or Replaced the Other Observation Methods. (3rd place, 8th grade)

Aerial view of a construction site with unfinished buildings alongside a topographic map depicting terrain and a river.
(Top left) A satellite image shows in great detail the progress of construction at this building site. (Bottom right) A large-scale topographic map. Credit: iStock; https://mapasyst.extension.org/

How Satellite Imagery Has Helped the Construction Industry

Isabella Vidal, Space and Engineering Technologies Academy
Teacher: Tracy Thomas

Section 1: Overview
The industry of construction has been greatly changed by satellite technology. People used to have to go directly to a site to see how progress is going, and now there’s satellites. Satellites are an artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication, in this case, around the earth, to collect information about the surface.

This image, from a satellite, shows in great detail the progress of construction at this building site. This satellite image could help the person managing the construction know how it is going, without having to go there. The builders are likely happy; since if they are states or even miles away, they are grateful to not have to move. This is great for the industry, since it can show the site from a bird’s eye view.

Section 2: Planning
Say if a builder wants to build where a forest is, they have to survey the area to make sure that it is 1) Flat and 2) Not too heavily forested. The company either surveys the area, checking for everything manually, without the satellite imaging to help them; or they can use the satellite imagery, and do much less footwork. Satellite imagery can also be turned into topographic maps, which can help with making sure the terrain is level enough to build on.

To the left is a large-scale topographic map. A Topographic Map is a type of map characterized by large-scale detail and quantitative representation of relief features, usually using contour lines, but historically using a variety of methods, and in most cases, assisted in their making by satellite imagery. Topographic maps are yet another way that satellites have helped the construction industry, with their planning, and their building.

Section 3: Environmental Impact
Satellite imagery can also help to survey the construction site, and nearby environment, to make sure that the construction does not have too much impact on the environment. According to the UP⁴² article ¨How satellite imagery helps with construction monitoring¨, ¨Manual collection methods are labor-intensive, time-consuming, and error-prone. Why? Construction sites are often vast and involve the simultaneous execution of different tasks. Reliance on manual methods alone leads to delays and increased costs.¨ Which tells us that satellite imagery is definitely the best way to go, considering the increased costs and time delays of manual work.

Section 4: Conclusion
Overall, not using satellite imagery for construction could cost a lot of time and money; which makes sense now that satellite imagery has greatly changed the construction industry, whether it is used in planning, progress monitoring, or for monitoring the environmental impact of the construction. We should continue to use satellites, and the construction industry will continue to be helped by them.

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AIAA Committees Explore the Effects of Space Observation. Investigate Revolutionary Advancements in Satellite Technology. Consider the Differences in Data Resolution. Discuss how Space Observation Has Either Complemented or Replaced the Other Observation Methods. (1st place, 7th grade)

The Impact of Satellites on Navigation

Ayush Rausaria, Selvidge Middle School
Mentor: Smita Rausaria

In the modern world, new technologies and advancements are developed everyday benefiting humanity. One of humanity’s most important advancements has been the man-made satellite technology that flies around the earth. Advancements in satellite technology have impacted and benefited many industries. One of the most important industries that satellite technology has benefitted is the Navigation industry. The Navigation industry has been introduced to technology such as the GPS through satellites.

According to an article by Odukha et al., mapmaking has been a tradition for centuries throughout history. Due to the rapid advancements in satellite technology, mapmaking has become more efficient than ever before. 1 Agencies such as NASA have used a specific software advancement in satellite technology called GIS (Geographic Information Systems). GIS significantly increases the accuracy of the data collected as well as the speed of data collection. Additionally, GIS makes it easier to store, process, and integrate geographic data. Instead of having to physically go to the area that is being mapped or mapping via drone, people can use the satellites in orbit to map and strategically store all of the geographic data. Data from the GIS is processed and integrated into different navigation systems such as the GPS (Global Positioning System) and software applications such as Google Maps and Apple Maps. Thanks to the advancements in satellite technology and incorporation of this technology in satellites, the Navigation industry has been largely benefited due to the efficient collection of mapping data.

However GIS is not the biggest contributor in advancements that have been made to the Navigation industry. According to an article by Walker et al., in the mid 1960s the US Navy used satellite technology to create a navigation tool. They used this tool to track their US submarines that were carrying nuclear missiles. Later in the 1970s, the DoD (Department of Defense) wanted to make sure that there was a stable navigation system. They decided to launch a satellite program called NAVSTAR that was made up of 24 satellites which became fully operational for navigation in 1993. 2 The GPS has come a long way even though its origins were for battle navigation purposes. People use GPS day to day so that they can easily travel. The GPS greatly expanded the navigation industry by becoming a great technological advancement which quickly became one of the most used navigation tools. The creation of GPS was all thanks to the advancements in satellite software and the GIS system. Therefore satellites have made a major contribution to the Navigation Industry due to their advancements in software technology.

Satellites have additionally contributed to many global satellite programs such as GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). All across the world the advancement of satellites has helped many nations. In Europe satellites have helped create a program called Galileo named after the famous european astronomer. The Galileo satellite system helps significantly with collecting geographic data in Europe to power European navigation systems all across the continent. According to Feng et al., the Galileo program is considered the greatest example of advancements due the many advancements that Galileo has created and incorporated in satellite technology. 3 Another big program is GLONASS(Global Navigation Satellite System) in Russia which has expanded the Russian navigation industry greatly with its revolutionary satellite technology. The GLONASS satellite software can be combined with GPS making the GPS system even more efficient due to the satellite technology. Additionally because the Galileo system and the GLONASS system are powered by satellite technology which makes them easily compatible with many navigation systems such as GPS and GIS. According to Seibert et al., there are many successful satellite powered programs similar to Galileo and GLONASS such as MSAS (Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System) in Japan. 4 This shows how effective satellite technology has been because it has been crucial in creating many satellite programs that significantly increase the efficiency of navigation devices by making them more compatible and giving them better data processing capabilities.

In conclusion, satellites have had a crucial impact on the navigation industry because of their revolutionary technology and ability to transmit and efficiently process/store data over long distances. Additionally, satellites have changed the navigation industry significantly by creating programs such as GLONASS in Russia, Galileo in Europe, and MSAS in Japan. Overall satellites have had a great impact on the navigation industry.

1. Intellias From Physical to Digital: Tech-Led Innovation in Mapping and Navigation. Odukha, O. September 12, 2023
2. NASA Global Positioning System History – NASA. Walker, J. October 27, 2012
3. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) by Princeton University Feng, Y (2003), Combined Galileo and GPS: A Technical Perspective. Journal of Global Positioning Systems, 2 (1): 67-72.
GLONASS-ICD (2002). GLONASS Interface Control Document. Version 5, 2002,
available from http://www.glonass-center.ru/ICD02_e.pdf.
4. Countries with Space Programs: An Overview – Space Impulse Seibert, J. November 27, 2023

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AIAA Committees Explore the Effects of Space Observation. Investigate Revolutionary Advancements in Satellite Technology. Consider the Differences in Data Resolution. Discuss how Space Observation Has Either Complemented or Replaced the Other Observation Methods. (2nd place, 7th grade)

Earth Observations (EO) Industry

Aditi Shikarpuri, Milwee Middle School
Teacher: Carol Unterreiner

The Earth Observation (EO) Industry is the gathering of information about the physical, chemical and biological systems of planet Earth. While it can be performed by various methods, the remote sensing technology involves using Earth observation satellites, located in the orbit, to gather information about earth’s surface, oceans, atmosphere by taking pictures or performing remote sensing. The Satellite-based Earth observation market size is estimated at $4.04 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach $5.54 billion by 2029.

Satellites are weaving a complex web around the Earth’s orbit that is fundamentally altering the way we live, work and navigate our planet. From checking the daily weather on our devices, to navigating traffic in the car or phone, to accessing the internet on the computer, satellites play a crucial role in various aspects of our daily lives. The data gathered through these satellites is used by various industries and services to monitor our planet for communication, navigation, technology, weather, defense (missile defense, recon satellites, signal intelligence) and space domain awareness. Prior to the space age, long-distance communication relied on a complex network of cables and undersea infrastructure while navigation relied on terrestrial-based radio beacons and celestial navigation using the stars.

While the EO Industry encompasses a spectrum of applications and technologies, communication and navigation satellites have become the backbone of the airline industry enabling crucial information exchange between airplanes, ground control and passengers. Several satellite based communication systems play an important role in:

– ACARS (Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System): This data link allows airlines to exchange real-time operational information like weather, maintenance and flight plan changes.
– SATCOM (Satellite Communications): Passengers can connect to the internet during the flight and make phone calls on-board through satellite networks.
– In-Flight Entertainment (IFE): Passengers have the luxury to receive content like movies, live satellite TV, music via satellite systems.

Similar to advances by communication satellites, the introduction of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), most commonly known as the Global Positioning System (GPS), has also transformed the airlines for the better. GPS relies on a network of orbiting satellites that transmit precise timing signals. These signals allow GPS receivers to determine their location on Earth with incredible accuracy. This technology has revolutionized transportation, from guiding ships and airplanes to enabling navigation apps on our smartphones. Prior to the GPS, pilots relied on compasses, speed data, and stars to navigate. These methods were prone to errors, especially over long distances or in poor weather conditions. The highly accurate positioning data provided by the GPS has allowed for the airline industry to allow for:

– Precision Approach and Landing System (PALS): guide airplanes during landing, enabling safe approaches even in low visibility situations reducing weather induced delays or cancellations.
– Optimized Route Planning: Air Traffic Control (ATC) can advise on precisely calculated flight paths based on real-time weather data and fuel data from airplanes.
– Improved Air Traffic Management: maintain safe operations between airplanes ensuring a smoother traffic flow.

Similar to the Airline industry, Earth observation or monitoring satellites equipped with advanced sensors and imaging technology have transformed our understanding of our planet. Data gathered from the satellites is transmitted back to Earth, processed, and analyzed using sophisticated software. This process transforms raw data into meaningful maps, images, and other geospatial products that support a wide range of applications used by meteorologists and scientists across the globe.

Spatial technology collects the data from a satellite exploring earth and assists with mapping locations. All the GPS, Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), satellite imagery and augmented reality use spatial technology to visualize, manipulate, analyze, display, and record data. Prior to this majority of the maps, trajectory and other data was calculated and projected using paper. While spatial resolution determines the level of detail in satellite imagery, Temporal resolution plays a vital role in capturing dynamic changes over time. Temporal resolution is the time it takes for a satellite to complete an orbit and revisit a location. Long-term trends, seasonal variations, and periodic oscillations can allow scientists to study and model these patterns, leading to improved understanding of phenomena such as climate cycles, ecological dynamics, and ocean currents. Spectral technology is the technology that contains extra bands of light in the infrared region. The technology is the majority of spectral satellite imagery containing extra bands of light in the infrared region. The ability to “see” past the visible spectrum makes spectral imagery extremely valuable, as there is a lot of hidden information in these additional bands of light that can be extracted. The processed data from these technologies are used for wide variety of purposes, including:

– Weather forecasting: Provide meteorologists with a wealth of up-to-date weather data at a global scale. It allows meteorologists to track the movement of clouds, measure atmospheric pressure, temperature and monitor precipitation.
– Environmental forecasting: Monitor changes in the environment, such as deforestation, desertification, and water pollution. Additionally, the spread of wildfires and spills can be tracked as well.
– Disaster management: Assess damage caused by natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This information is critical to initiate or inform relief efforts and coordinate emergency response.

Satellites have become the eyes in the sky, providing an unparalleled view of our planet. As we move forward, it is crucial to address challenges associated with the satellites including mitigating space debris and safeguarding the space environment against physical and virtual threats. Robust cybersecurity measures are essential to protect critical infrastructure from cyber threats. Additionally there must be International Level Agreements (ILA) on establishing clear guidelines for data privacy to maintain public trust and ensure equitable access to this transformative technology.

As we continue to develop increasingly sophisticated satellite and processing software, it is vital to acknowledge both the immense benefits and potential drawbacks of this technology. By fostering international cooperation, prioritizing responsible use, and addressing emerging challenges, this network could serve humanity for generations to come.

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Explore the Effects of Space Observation. Investigate Revolutionary Advancements in Satellite Technology. Consider the Differences in Data Resolution. Discuss how Space Observation Has Either Complemented or Replaced the Other Observation Methods. (3rd place, 7th grade)

Space Observation and the Aerospace Industry

Christian Anderson, Orcutt Junior High School
Teacher: Vada McKee

Space observation has had a profound effect on the aerospace industry. Aviation has benefitted from enhanced weather services, such as satellite weather providing pilots with real time weather information through both government and commercial providers such as Sirius. This is quite an improvement over weather decisions based solely on forecasts and pilot reports of current weather conditions which may have already changed prior to being broadcast to aviators. Another significant benefit to aviators is the development of ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) which incorporates global position satellites. In the past, pilots could ask air traffic control (ATC) for traffic advisories and if ATC could handle the additional workload they might agree to provide the optional service alerting pilots to other air traffic on the radar screen which might or might not include altitude information. Today, pilots with ADS-B can see other aircraft in their area on a screen in their cockpit which includes the aircraft registration number, speed, and altitude.

Space observation has also had a deep impact on the space exploration segment of the aerospace industry. Humans have always been fascinated with the cosmos. In the beginning, our exploration was limited to what we could see with the naked eye. The development of Earth based telescopes gave us more ability to study celestial objects. Although we developed larger and more powerful telescopes, there were limitations. Light pollution and interference from the atmosphere hampered our ability to see deep into space. Then came unmanned spacecraft such as Voyager 1 & 2 in 1977 which explored our outer solar system before leaving our system to look for extraterrestrial life.

Then in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched into Earth’s orbit in order to give us a better view of space without the problems associated with the atmosphere and city lights. Hubble has had upgrades and repairs so that it is still providing valuable information today. Since Hubble was launched in 1990, there have been many other space telescopes launched. Space telescopes have reduced the need to send unmanned spacecraft into the Universe.

There are also telescopes that are made for specific missions. For example, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (launched in 2008 by NASA) and the Swift Gamma-ray Space Telescope (launched in 2004 by Nasa) both looking for Gamma-rays. Gamma, X-, UV rays are mostly absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere. This makes it near impossible to detect these rays from Earth. These satellites are sent into space, allowing us to see these rays.

What is the significance of this? First, if it were not for these satellites we would not be able to detect these strong rays. One may ask, why is it important to detect these rays? Gamma rays provide a path to dark matter. Dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries in the history of astrophysics, as for the fact we still do not know what it is. It is thought that dark matter is not like normal matter, since dark matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force. This also means that it does not absorb or emit light making it difficult to spot. Usually we are not able to spot it except for major gravitational effects. Gamma rays have a unique property in which they cannot be deflected by magnetic fields, making it so we can see the point of origin. Due to this we can now study the strength of the dark matter in our universe, and lastly they also retain all spectral source information.

The Webb Space Telescope was launched in 2021 and is the largest and most powerful space telescope. It is unique because it orbits the Sun and not the Earth. Because it takes light so long to travel through the cosmos (6.7 X10 9 miles per hour) scientists are better able to look back to the big bang which marks the beginning of our solar system. We can also see as new galaxies and solar systems are formed that could contain planets similar to Earth capable of sustaining life.

These new space telescopes have reduced the need to launch unmanned spacecraft on long journeys to explore our galaxy and beyond. They also provide a means to detect extraterrestrial threats to Earth. Threats from approaching comets and meteors more so than alien life forms. This may seem like science fiction from movies like Armegedan or Deep Impact, but on September 26, 2022, NASA successfully deflected an asteroid during the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART). They demonstrated that an asteroid could be deflected with a kinetic impact. Therefore, detecting rogue asteroids, comets, and meteors well in advance could help us to prevent an extinction level event.

Current space observation has had a profound impact on the aerospace industry. The aerospace industry is a large industry with many different segments. This paper looked at the effects on the aviation segment and that of space exploration. Aviators benefit from more accurate and timely weather information as well as improved situational awareness with ADS-B which incorporates GPS technology. Space telescopes have allowed us to explore more of the universe with greater accuracy and timely results without the need to launch unmanned spacecraft to explore our solar system and beyond. Space observation has benefited us tremendously and will likely continue to benefit us for generations to come.

Works Cited
“Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B).” Federal Aviation Administration , 30 August 2023, https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/technology/adsb. Accessed 25 April 2024.

“AVIATION WEATHER SERVICES.” Federal Aviation Administration, https://www.faa.gov/documentlibrary/media/advisory_circular/ac_00-45g_chg_1-2.pdf. Accessed 25 April 2024.

Federal Aviation Administration. Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge . Oklahoma City, United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman Testing Standards Branch, 2023. PHAK Front Matter, https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/faa-h-8083-25c.pdf. Accessed 18 April 2024.

“NASA Study: Asteroid’s Orbit, Shape Changed After DART Impact.” Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 19 March 2024, https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/nasa-study-asteroids-orbit-shape-changed-after-dart-impact. Accessed 25 April 2024.

Noel, Drew. “James Webb Space Telescope.” NASA Science , https://science.nasa.gov/mission/webb. Accessed 25 April 2024.

“NWS Aviation Weather Services.” National Weather Service , https://www.weather.gov/aviation/. Accessed 25 April 2024.

Thompson, Andrea. “Major Space Telescopes.” Space.com , 18 May 2009, https://www.space.com/6716-major-space-telescopes.html. Accessed 25 April 2024.

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AIAA Announcements Dan Dumbacher Recognized with WIA Allyship Award

A man in a suit and tie with glasses stands in front of a gray backdrop.
Dan Dumbacher, AIAA CEO. Credit: AIAA

AIAA CEO Dan Dumbacher will be recognized by Women in Aerospace with their Allyship Award. This honor recognizes an individual “who actively promotes and aspires to advance a culture of inclusion for women through purposeful, positive and intentional efforts that benefit women in the aerospace community.”  The award will be presented at the WIA’s 39th Annual Awards Dinner and Ceremony on 10 October.

We are extremely proud of Dan and his ongoing efforts to advance women in the aerospace community.

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AIAA Committees Membership Applications Open for 2025/2026 AIAA Technical Committees and Integration and Outreach Committees

The Technical Activities Division (TAD) and Integration and Outreach Division (IOD) work diligently with their committee chairs to maintain a reasonable balance in 1) appropriate representation to the field from industry, research, education, and government; 2) the specialties covered in the specific TC/IOC scopes; and 3) geographical distribution relative to the area’s technical activity. TAD and IOD encourage applications of students and young professionals (those individuals 35 years and younger). 

Technical Committees have a 50-person maximum unless approval is granted to exceed that limit. Applicants selected for technical committee membership who are not AIAA members in good standing must become members or renew their membership within 45 days of start of the membership term (1 May–30 April). If you currently serve on a TC/IOC, you will automatically be considered for the 2025/2026 membership term on that committee. 

Applications are submitted online, and applicants may submit up to two applications. To apply to two committees, applicants will need to submit two separate forms. The form can be found on the AIAA website at aiaa.org, under My AIAA, Nominations and Voting, Technical Committee Online Application. Applications are due by 16 October 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time after which time the system will close. 

Information about the committees can be found at: 
• Integration and Outreach Committees: aiaa.org/integration-and-outreach-division-committees
• Technical Committees: aiaa.org/technical-committees

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Publications News AIAA Publications

AIAA Public Review

AIAA S-102.2.4A, Capability-Based Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Requirements, has been issued for public review. This draft is a revision of ANSI/AIAA S-102.2.4-2015, Capability-Based Product Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Requirements. This revised standard provides the basis for developing the analysis of failure modes, their effects, and criticality in the context of individual products along with the known performance of their elements. The requirements for contractors, the planning and reporting needs, along with the analytical methodology are established. The linkage of this standard to the other standards in the new family of capability-based safety, reliability, and quality assurance standards is described, and keywords for use in automating the product FMECA process are provided. Public review deadline is 30 September 2024. For a copy of the draft, submission of public review comments, or questions, please contact Nick Tongson (nickt@aiaa.org).

AIAA Standards Reaffirmed

The following standards were recently approved for reaffirmation: ANSI/AIAA S-080A-2018 (Reaffirmed 2024), Space Systems — Metallic Pressure Vessels, Pressurized Structures, and Pressure Components, and ANSI/AIAA S-081B-2018 (Reaffirmed 2024), Space Systems — Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels. Both are available in Aerospace Research Central for $90 List/Nonmember and $45 Member.

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Obituary AIAA Senior Member Phillips Died in September 2021

James (Jim) Phillips died on 22 September 2021. He was 86 years old.

After receiving an engineering degree from the University of Texas at Austin, his career took him to upstate New York, Texas, Turkey, and Alaska, before settling in Palo Alto in 1972. His focus moved from engineering design to management and toward the end of his career he focused on bettering the workplace for those faced with discrimination. Phillips retired as a Vice President from Lockheed Missiles & Space in 1994.

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Obituary AIAA Senior Member Napoli Died in November 2023

Colonel (retired) Anthony Napoli died on 24 November 2023.

Napoli graduated from New York University in 1955. Shortly after he entered active duty in the U.S. Air Force as a Second Lieutenant. His first assignment in February 1956 was pilot training at Spence Air Base, GA. In April 1957 he received his aero rating of pilot at Greenville Air Force Base, MS.

During his early career, he was handpicked to be the USAF liaison officer in Italy directing a fighter training detachment for a USAFE fighter wing (1959). While stationed in Iceland as an Air Defense Controller, he was instrumental in alerting the North American Air Defense Command of the flight of the first Russian Bear aircraft to Cuba after scrambling 4 F-102’s from Keflavik AFB to intercept and identify an unknown aircraft as a Tupolev RU-95. During the Vietnam War, he flew 163 combat missions in the RF-4C in Southeast Asia and was awarded two Distinguished Flying Cross medals for his aerial skill. After returning from Vietnam, he was an Instructor Pilot in the RF-4C. In June 1972 he was awarded Command Pilot designation.

Napoli completed his final flying assignment in 1973 at Shaw AFB, and was then reassigned to Air Force Systems Command, Andrews AFB, where he served as the new Fighter Programs Systems Officer and Flight Director in Research and Development. He was instrumental in fighter aircraft and tactical weapons system programs, most notably the F15, YF16, A10, YF17 and the development of the F22, as well as the Joint Stars Program.

In 1976, he studied at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces and also earned a Master’s Degree in Business Administration/Management from Central Michigan University.

Napoli’s final assignment was at Electronic System Division, Hanscom AFB, where he was the director of Tactical Command, Control and Communications Intelligence (C3I) Systems Planning. His leadership and expertise were also instrumental in the international C3 arena. He served for 4 years as chairman of a multinational NATO committee that developed a Standard NATO Agreement on Target Identification and was involved in a six-month study on Close Air Support that included both academic and military experts. Napoli retired on 29 February 1984 as a Colonel. After retirement from the Air Force, he continued his career in developing C3I systems.

His military honors and awards included the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross, and Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal.

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Obituary AIAA Senior Member Oghi Died in May 2024

Franklin Takashi Ohgi died 1 May.

Ohgi graduated with a degree in engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1960. He went to work for Douglas Aircraft and finished his master’s degree at UCLA.

He spent his entire career at what became McDonald Douglas Aerospace. His specialty was guidance and control systems, initially working on missiles and then spending many years on top secret projects. Later in his career, he worked on the International Space Station Program. He retired in 1997.

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Obituary AIAA Fellow Stone Died in June 2024

An older man in a suit stands in front of a large spacecraft model displayed in a room with an American flag and cosmic background.
Edward Stone. Credit: Stone Family

Edward C. Stone, former director of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and longtime project scientist of the agency’s Voyager mission, died on 9 June 2024. He was 88 years old.

After graduating from Burlington Junior College (now Southeastern Community College) in 1956, he enrolled at the University of Chicago, receiving a master’s degree in 1959 and a doctorate in physics in 1964. Inspired by his doctoral adviser, John A. Simpson, Stone performed his first cosmic ray experiments in 1961.

Stone joined Caltech’s faculty in 1964 and began working with Rochus (Robbie) Vogt. The two helped put Caltech on the map as a leader in the new field of space physics. They worked on a several NASA satellite missions, including the Orbiting Geophysical Observatory and the Interplanetary Monitoring Program. Stone and Vogt also established the Space Radiation Lab at Caltech.

Stone was named a full professor in 1976; chaired the university’s Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy from 1983 to 1988, during which time he oversaw the establishment of the Laser-Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory; and became the David Morrisroe Professor of Physics in 1994. In the mid-1980s through the 1990s, he oversaw the construction of the W. M. Keck Observatory.

In 1972, Stone was offered the position of project scientist of the Voyager mission. He helped bring Voyager to the launchpad in just five years: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 launched in 1977, only two weeks apart. The spacecraft took slightly different paths out of the solar system, with Voyager 1 reaching interstellar space in 2012, and Voyager 2 in 2018. As Voyager project scientist, Stone led 11 instrument teams.

In 1991, Stone was named director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory; he remained in that role until May 2001, during which time he oversaw 21 different missions and instruments, including the Mars Pathfinder Sojourner rover, the first wheeled vehicle to operate on another planet.

He also helped restructure several projects to keep them afloat in the midst of funding cuts. During this time, Stone oversaw the redesign of the cooling system on NASA’s infrared observatory, the Spitzer Space Telescope, making it more cost-effective.

Beyond role as director at JPL, Stone served as either a principal investigator or science instrument lead on nine NASA missions and as a co-investigator on five others, including the Parker Solar Probe, which launched in 2018.

Stone joined AIAA in 1983, becoming a Fellow in 1992. He was recognized with the 1983 AIAA Dryden Lectureship in Research (Lecture: “The Voyager Encounters with Saturn”), the 1984 AIAA Space Science Award, the 1999 AIAA von Kármán Lectureship in Astronautics (Lecture: “Mars and the Search for Life Elsewhere”), and the 2011 Goddard Astronautics Award. Stone was also honored with the National Medal of Science (1991), the Magellanic Premium (1992), the Carl Sagan Memorial Award (1999), the Philip J. Klass Lifetime Achievement Award (2007), the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal (2013), and the Howard Hughes Memorial Award (2014). He also was a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

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September 2024 AIAA Bulletin