Candidate biographical information

Laura McGill

CURRENTLY: Preparing to become deputy director of nuclear deterrence at Sandia National Laboratories in January, a new position created to oversee development, production and management of the U.S. nuclear stockpile.

NOTABLE: Oversaw 7,800 engineers as the Raytheon Corp. vice president of engineering for the former Missile Systems division, 2015-May 2020. As chief engineer, 2004-2006, oversaw development and production of the Tomahawk cruise missiles primarily launched by the U.S. Navy; inducted into the National Academy of Engineering, October 2019.

AIAA RECORD: AIAA member for 40 years since joining as an undergraduate student; fellow since 2007; led and participated in a variety of AIAA executive and technical committees, including chair of the Ground Testing Committee, 1998-2000; currently chair of the Honors and Awards Committee, since 2019. Member of AIAA Board of Directors/Trustees, 2005-2018.

AGE: 60

RESIDENCE: Tucson, Arizona

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in aeronautical and astronautical engineering from the University of Washington, 1983. Master of Science in aerospace systems from West Coast University, 1992

FAVORITE SAYING: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” — Albert Einstein

George Nield

CURRENTLY: President of Commercial Space Technologies LLC, the consulting business he set up in 2018 in Northern Virginia after retiring from FAA.

NOTABLE: Oversaw the licensing of 126 commercial launches and six new spaceports before retiring from FAA in 2018 after a 15-year career, the last decade as associate administrator for Commercial Space Transportation. Head of the Flight Integration Office at NASA’s Johnson Space Center that established objectives for space shuttle flights, 1987-1994. Taught astronautical engineering and directed research at the U.S. Air Force Academy from 1980-1983. Rated to pilot single- and multi-engine aircraft.

AIAA RECORD: Member of AIAA for 47 years, including 14 years as an AIAA Fellow. Currently a member of the Board of Trustees. Completed two terms on the AIAA Board of Directors as director-technical of the Space and Missiles Group. Served as faculty adviser for the United States Air Force Academy Student Branch. Past member of the Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Technical Committee. Served two terms as chairman of the AIAA Houston Section from 1994-1995 and 1997-1998.

AGE: 70

RESIDES: Potomac Falls, Virginia

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in engineering science from the U.S. Air Force Academy, 1972. Master of Science, 1973, and Ph.D., 1981, in aeronautics and astronautics, both from Stanford University. Master of Business Administration from George Washington University, 2001.

FAVORITE SAYING: “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” — Peter Drucker

Candidate biographical information