Introducing the Aeropuzzler
June 2018
Take the iceboat challenge by boiling down a complex concept into words anyone can understand.
Can you boil a complex concept into words anyone can understand? Draft an answer of no more than 250 words to the question below and send it to with your contact information by June 15. Look for the Aeropuzzler in the July/August issue to learn whose response we publish.
>>>You and a friend are bundled up, ready to watch an iceboat race. The wind is blowing 18 mph (30 kph). Your friend, a business student, says, “Gee, I wish it were windier. I’d like to see a boat go faster than 18 mph.” Is your friend correct that an iceboat can’t go faster than the wind? School your friend on the physics.
We’ll choose the most interesting and accurate response and run it here in the July/August issue, along with the next Aeropuzzler.