- 2023 AIAA Election Results
- AIAA Announces its Class of 2023 Honorary Fellows and Fellows
- AIAA Announces 2023 Premier Award Winners
- 2023 Kahn Scholarship Recipients Named
- Honoring John Anderson: Contributions to Aviation Research
- AIAA Charters New Section in Melbourne, Australia
- Making an Impact: Inspiring (And Getting Inspired By) The Next Generation of Aerospace Innovators
- SAT OC – A Brighter Future
- 2022 AIAA Aerospace Communications Award Presented
- AIAA Associate Fellow Deepak Died in December 2022
AIAA Announcements 2023 AIAA Election Results
AIAA is pleased to announce the results of its 2023 election:
Daniel E. Hastings, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Director-Business and Management Group
Gustavo Ordonez, Icarus Management Consulting, and University of California
Director-International Activities Group
Robert Winn, Engineering Systems, Inc.
Director-Elect Young Professional Group
Bryan Kowalczyk, University of Cincinnati
Director–Region I
Kyle Zittle, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Director–Region II
Ryan Sherrill, Air Force Research Laboratory
Director–Region VII
Cees Bil, RMIT University
Director–Aircraft Technology, Integration, and Operations Group
David Maroney, The MITRE Corporation
Director–Space and Missiles Group
Stephen Blanchette, The Aerospace Corporation
Elections were also held for chiefs of the Regional Engagement Activities Division (READ) and the Technical Activities Division (TAD). Jane Hansen will be READ Chief and Lesley Weitz will be TAD Chief.
The newly elected will begin their terms of office in May 2023.
Award Announcements AIAA Announces its Class of 2023 Honorary Fellows and Fellows
AIAA proudly congratulates its newly elected Class of 2023 Honorary Fellows and Fellows. The three new Honorary Fellows and 28 new Fellows will be inducted at a ceremony on 17 May, in Arlington, Virginia.
Honorary Fellow is the highest distinction conferred by AIAA and recognizes preeminent individuals who have had long and highly contributory careers in aerospace and who embody the highest possible standards in aeronautics and astronautics. In 1933, Orville Wright became the first AIAA Honorary Fellow.
2023 AIAA Honorary Fellows
• Mark Drela, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• James G. Maser, Aerojet Rocketdyne
• William A. Sirignano, University of California, Irvine
AIAA confers the distinction of Fellow upon individuals in recognition of their notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences or technology of aeronautics and astronautics. Nominees are AIAA Associate Fellows. Since the inception of this honor, 2,036 distinguished persons have been elected as a Fellow.
2023 AIAA Fellows
• Behçet Açıkmeşe, University of Washington
• Steven J. Beresh, Sandia National Laboratories
• Charles F. Bolden Jr., The Charles F. Bolden Group
• Helmut Ciezki, DLR – German Aerospace Center
• Capt. Meredith B. Colket III, Combustion Consulting Services, LLC, United Technologies Research Center (retired)
• Daniel DeLaurentis, Purdue University
• Christopher D’Souza, NASA Johnson Space Center
• Ismet Gursul, University of Bath
• Kauser S. Imtiaz, NASA
• R. Steven Justice, The Ginn Group
• Raymond M. Kolonay, Air Force Research Laboratory
• Rodney Makoske, Lockheed Martin
• Jill Marlowe, NASA
• Pamela Melroy, NASA
• David G. Mitchell, Mitchell Aerospace Research
• Eugene Morelli, NASA Langley Research Center
• Scott E. Palo, University of Colorado Boulder
• Surendra Sharma, NASA Ames Research Center
• Robert T.-I. Shin, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
• Rickey J. Shyne, NASA Glenn Research Center
• Leena Singh, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
• Michael Sinnett, Boeing Commercial Airplanes
• Lawrence W. Stephens, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control
• Mitchell L.R. Walker II, Georgia Institute of Technology
• Brian L. Wardle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Michael E. White, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
• Michael Winter, Pratt & Whitney
• Thomas H. Zurbuche NASA (retired)
Award Announcements AIAA Announces 2023 Premier Award Winners
AIAA is pleased to announce the 2023 recipients of its most prestigious awards, recognizing the most influential and inspiring individuals in aerospace whose outstanding contributions merit the highest accolades. A new award – the AIAA Award for Aerospace Excellence – has been added in 2023 to celebrate a unique program or mission in the aerospace community deserving timely recognition.
The winners are:
AIAA Award for Aerospace Excellence
Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) Team, NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. “In recognition of humanity’s first time purposely changing the motion of a celestial object by a team of protectors of our home planet.” Accepting the award on behalf of the DART team: Jeremy John, JHUAPL, and Lindley Johnson, NASA.
AIAA Public Service Award
Bill Nye, The Planetary Society. “For demonstrating sustained and visible support for aviation and space goals through popular media outreach.”
AIAA Reed Aeronautics Award
John S. Langford III, Electra.Aero. “For exemplary achievement as an outstanding aeronautical engineer, visionary leadership in the development of autonomous flight, and relentless advocacy of the future aerospace workforce.”
AIAA Distinguished Service Award
David R. Riley, Boeing Research & Technology (retired). “In recognition of over four decades of dedicated leadership and service to AIAA at the section, region, national, and international levels.”
AIAA International Cooperation Award
Vincent A. Orlando, MIT Lincoln Laboratory. “For over 40 years of sustained technical innovation, standards development, and international harmonization of aviation surveillance system technology.”
AIAA Engineer of the Year Award
Alison A. Nordt, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center. “For exceptional engineering and technical leadership in the development of the Near Infrared Camera critical to the success of the James Webb Space Telescope.”
AIAA Goddard Astronautics Award
Charlie Atkinson, Lee D. Feinberg, Jennifer Love-Pruitt, and Michael T. Menzel
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/Northrop Grumman Team – James Webb Space Telescope. “For delivering groundbreaking engineering performance for the James Webb Space Telescope, to advance the study of every phase of cosmic history.”
AIAA Lawrence Sperry Award
Phillip J. Ansell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “For outstanding contributions to electrified aircraft technologies and pioneering work toward sustainable aviation.”
Presentation of the 2023 AIAA premier awards and recognition of the Institute’s Class of 2023 Honorary Fellows and Fellows will take place at the AIAA Awards Gala, 18 May, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts*, Washington, DC.
For more information on the AIAA Honors and Awards Program, contact Patricia A. Carr at patriciac@aiaa.org.
* Please note that this event is an external rental presented in coordination with the Kennedy Center Campus Rentals Office and is not produced by the Kennedy Center.
AIAA Foundation 2023 Kahn Scholarship Recipients Named

We are thrilled to have had so many incredible high school seniors apply for this year’s Roger W. Kahn Scholarship. The scholarship celebrates Kahn’s passion for aviation and entertainment. Lydia Ames, Samannita Mukherjee, Anna Phan, and Valeria Santoyo will each receive a $10,000 Kahn Scholarship to support their education. These students will also receive a trip to Washington, DC, to attend the AIAA Awards Gala in May, and an AIAA professional member mentor to help guide each of them on their career paths.
Lydia Ames
I live with my loving, supportive family in Nolensville, Tennessee. I am the technical director for the Nolensville Theatre Department and have helped lead technical teams and actors through many productions. I am also involved in my school’s Society of Women Engineers chapter, student council, and black empowerment club, and am a member of the National Honor Society and National Technical Honor Society. In elementary school, I always wanted to read all of the books available about planets and stars, learning and reciting all of the facts. In middle school, I watched the movie, Hidden Figures, and saw smart, strong, gorgeous black women like me in one of the hardest fields there is: rocket science. These influences helped me transform my love for space into a dream to become an aerospace engineer. I have committed to Florida Institute of Technology for fall 2023, to further my education and career.
Samannita Mukherjee
I was born in New York and raised by my parents who emigrated from Bangladesh. My parents taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance, values which have stuck with me to this day. Math has always been my favorite subject in school and music comes in as a close second. When I was 6 years old, I would write out my times tables on a whiteboard and color code them whenever I had free time because I thought it was fun. As I grew older, I realized that I wanted a mathematics-related career that required more hands-on tasks and creativity. In the summer before 9th grade, I attended the NASA MUREP Aerospace Academy Program at York College where my knowledge and love for aerospace blossomed. As I learned how to build robots and rockets, I realized that aerospace engineering is the type of career that I wanted to pursue. Therefore, I will be attending college as an aerospace/mechanical engineering major and plan on working at NASA one day.
Anna Phan
Before I became a Texan, I was a New Yorker, and before that, I was a Vietnamese immigrant on my way to the USA. Despite the changes in scenery, being a big sister has always been a constant in my life. The home is where I first developed my passion for science. From blowing bubbles into hyacinth-forcing jars to increase root mass and finding native plant seeds with my siblings, I didn’t let the walls of my home restrict me from pursuing what I found most interesting. I was introduced to space through my little brother. When he received a telescope, I studied the planets and beyond! I enjoyed using my talents to instruct and make others happy, and I found that I had a knack for astrophotography — placing fourth at the 2022 TSA Regional Competition with no formal training. I plan to pursue a degree in mechanical or aerospace engineering with a minor in political science. With my studies, I hope to gain an interdisciplinary perspective that I can rely upon throughout my career in the aerospace sector.
Valeria Santoyo
I grew up marveling at the stars and the moon and have never stopped. I am currently working on an innovation for the MIT Invention Convention in which I am building a vertical garden that can be transported for people that live in urbanized communities. My passion for STEM granted me the opportunity to visit the CIA headquarters for a STEM CAMP that included extracting DNA and taking fingerprint samples. At my school, I am a part of the Girls Who Code club. Through the club, I have worked with Python and model planes that fly. During my free time, I enjoy volunteering for the virtual Noche de Ciencias events, hosted by the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, where kits are sent to middle and high school students and I help them build robots over Zoom. I find it fulfilling to share my passion for space with my community. Through AIAA, I have been able to further enrich my studies by engaging in lectures and meeting with professional associates in the aerospace industry. I am grateful to have the support of my faith, family, friends, and mentors that have believed in my potential to reach for the stars and beyond.
Member News Honoring John Anderson: Contributions to Aviation Research

On 27 January, two sessions were held at the 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum to honor John Anderson’s exceptional career. Following his graduate studies at Ohio State University, he began his professional activities at the Air Force Systems Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and moved on to become a professor at the University of Maryland. In that capacity, he received every imaginable professional honor, including membership in the National Academy of Engineering and AIAA Honorary Fellow. He has been a highly prolific author of books and journal publications. Prof. Anderson’s former students themselves have received major honors and recognitions and populate the front ranks of national and international research in hypersonics.
In the first panel session, three of his students — Kevin Bowcutt, Mike Griffin, and James Webber, who all graduated from the University of Maryland with Ph.D.s in Aerospace Engineering — reflected upon Prof. Anderson’s research contributions through the eyes of his students who earned dissertations in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. The moderator, David van Wie — also a former student — provided context for contributions in aerodynamics, hypersonics, and computational fluid dynamics by Prof. Anderson’s former students. This history of his research paralleled advances in the aerospace field. It was noted that a unique aspect of these particular students is that the three of them are also members of the National Academy of Engineering, which is a remarkable accomplishment.
Darryll Pines, president of the University of Maryland, discussed Prof. Anderson’s contributions to the Department of Aerospace Engineering in terms of his exceptional textbooks and how they were used to educate thousands of aerospace engineers, as well as how he mentored junior faculty in both research and teaching.
Concurrent with his research in the aerospace sciences, Prof. Anderson undertook a second career as an aviation historian. He brought a unique perspective to this undertaking, analyzing historical contributions through the lens of a practicing engineer and scientist, allowing him to explain how and why contributions held significance. His prolific contributions and insights earned him the prestigious position as a curator at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, as well as numerous additional honors.
Many of his former students and his colleagues from the National Air and Space Museum attended the sessions to recognize his accomplishments.
Section News AIAA Charters New Section in Melbourne, Australia

AIAA has chartered a new section in Melbourne, Australia. The AIAA Council of Directors approved the addition at its meeting during the 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum in National Harbor, Maryland. The Melbourne Section is located in AIAA Region VII and includes AIAA members living in Victoria and Tasmania. This new section joins the Sydney and Adelaide Sections in Australia.
The addition of this new section brings the global total of AIAA sections to 57, in seven regions. Sections are led by AIAA members who volunteer to organize and offer technical programs, networking, educational opportunities, and other activities tailored to local aerospace professionals, students, and educators.
AIAA Foundation Making an Impact: Inspiring (And Getting Inspired By) The Next Generation of Aerospace Innovators

Students Wow Audiences at Innovation Stage @ the HUB
FIRE Rocket Challenge was founded in fall 2021 by a mother and daughter team, Robin and Charis Houston, who were inspired to take action when they saw the lack of diverse participants in the world of model rocketry. Seven middle and high school students from the organization presented rockets they had created themselves. Afterward they used balloons to provide a live demonstration on the principles of thrust. The students then turned the traditional Q&A format upside down by quizzing the audience members – who showed they were paying attention by answering correctly.
A group of students from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology’s TJ Space Club and TJ Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Team also presented at the Innovation Stage. The high schoolers showed off their work on a 2U CubeSat called “TJ REVERB,” as well as their custom-built UAV named “Avalon.” TJ REVERB was sent to the ISS via SpaceX-26 in November 2022 and was deployed in January 2023. The students spoke about engineering the entire project from selecting and integrating space grade and COTS parts. They designed the printed circuit boards and wired the components themselves. In addition to the systems engineering aspect of the project, they also developed the flight software, written in Python. They milled switches, did the cabling, and performed the assembly and the integration themselves. Attendees in the audience were impressed with these young people’s accomplishments in building a custom satellite from the ground up.
AIAA Members Motivate Middle Schoolers with Hands-On Demos
Twenty-three members from the Structural Dynamics Technical Committee (TC), Structures TC, Fluids TC, National Capital Section, STEM K-12 Outreach Committee, and Diversity Working Group visited Stephen Decatur Middle School in Clinton, MD, during AIAA SciTech Forum. For over a decade, the Structural Dynamics TC has been organizing STEM outreach events for students during AIAA SciTech. Members brought hands-on demonstrations to introduce 8th graders to various principles behind aerospace engineering.
The kids were enthralled as they progressed through five different presentations where they got to experience a wind tunnel, Chaldni plates, acoustics tubes and resonance boxes, tuning forks, vibration shakers with vibrating beams, and scale models of airplane wings.
In addition to discovering the principles of resonance and lift, the middle school students enjoyed getting to hear from aerospace professionals. The 8th graders asked about the physics and math behind the hands-on activities, but also inquired about the member’s jobs, where they were from, and what they had studied in high school and college to get to where there were today. These exchanges provided a window into the real-life world of an aerospace profession, and showed where an interest in STEM can lead. At the end of the day, the students got to bring home AIAA swag, and one student could be overheard saying, “This is the best day!”
Teachers Inspired By STEM Lessons During Workshop
On 27 January, an interactive professional development workshop was held for K-12 educators. Dubbed “Teacher Friday,” the event brought public, private, parochial, and charter school educators – from up and down the East Coast – to AIAA SciTech Forum. The daylong event, organized and hosted by the AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Committee, featured sessions, demonstrations, networking opportunities, and a private tour.
Attendees were treated to engaging sessions from STEM specialists, aerospace professionals, and classroom educators. After an introduction to the scholarships, grants, and awards offered by the AIAA Foundation, the audience heard from NASA employees about humanity’s return to the moon with the Artemis program, and how to incorporate heliophysics into the classroom to “brighten up” STEM curriculum.
A high school assistant principal and STEAM department head presented an education-centered approach to space exploration that included a show-and-tell of cube satellites built by his students. He noted the that effect on high school students who work on all aspects of such a complex project, and are rewarded by getting to see it launched successfully into space, was powerful.
The chair of the AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Committee’s Diversity Subcommittee gave a presentation on barriers to participation in aerospace, and the importance of increasing access to quality STEM programs and resources for a diverse range of students – especially those who have traditionally been underserved.
A representative from the National Science Teaching Association discussed the AIAA/Estes/NSTA Exploration Generation partnership, which provides educators with engaging, classroom-ready lessons and resources to help immerse students in real-life applications of STEM, specifically around aerospace, engineering, and rocketry.
Attendees also heard from an AIAA section K-12 Officer and Teacher of the Year award recipient on how to use NASA resources to build teamwork and collaboration skills for students. Hands-on activities – including working together to maneuver a beach ball around the room without touching it and creating a wing ring glider – proved to be more challenging than one might think; but the attendees quickly bonded over these activities, and left inspired with lots of ideas and resources to bring back to their classrooms and students.
Following the workshop sessions, attendees traveled to Lockheed Martin’s Space Experience Center in Arlington, where they received a personalized tour of the state-of-the-art facility that included cutting-edge technology and replicas of aerospace artifacts.
Beyond the ideas and inspiration for lessons, curriculum development, and student projects, the Teacher Friday workshop was an opportunity for educators to network and make connections with one another as well as industry professionals who are passionate about reaching back to support and encourage the next generation of aerospace leaders and innovators.
To find out how to get involved with AIAA and make an impact please visit aiaa.org/foundation or contact Jake Williams at JakeW@aiaa.org.
AIAA Committees SAT OC – A Brighter Future

By: Amir S. Gohardani, SAT OC Chair
One of the greatest gifts of being a member of the AIAA Society and Aerospace Technology Outreach Committee (SAT OC) is the opportunity to meet amazing people. Many SAT OC members promote the transfer of aerospace technology and techniques on a day-to-day basis and they continuously help to solve critical problems in society and improve the general quality of life. One of these individuals is R. Steven Justice, the former chair of SAT OC who spearheaded the committee between 2015 and 2017.
This year, SAT OC congratulates Justice on joining the Class of 2023 AIAA Fellows. A proven leader with over 40 years of experience across many areas including innovation, entrepreneurship, economic development, engineering, and information technology in both the public and private sectors, Justice brought a wealth of knowledge to SAT OC. In his continued support in various roles at AIAA, he continues advancing AIAA’s mission on multiple levels, leveraging his skills and experience from the public and private sectors.
In the public sector working for the State of Georgia, Justice served as the executive director of the Georgia Centers of Innovation leading a wide-ranging program to provide the state’s strategic industries with technical industry expertise, collaborative research, and partnerships to help them to grow globally. In the private sector, he provided technical and managerial leadership while serving at Lockheed Martin, Gulfstream Aerospace, Northrop, Delta Air Lines, and The Ginn Group. He has participated in the development, certification, and support of several notable aircraft including the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and C-130J Hercules as well as the Northrop B-2 Stealth Bomber, and the Gulfstream G-IV business jet. He is a member of the AIAA Board of Trustees and the recipient of the AIAA Distinguished Service Award.
The future looks brighter with the contributions of members of society like Justice who use aerospace technology to improve the general quality of life for all.
Diversity Corner
Name: John B. Herrington
Notable Contributions: A retired United States Naval Aviator, engineer, and former NASA astronaut, in 2002, Herrington became the first enrolled member of a Native American tribe to fly in space. He was selected as a Mission Specialist for STS-113, the 16th Space Shuttle mission to the International Space Station. During the mission he performed three spacewalks, totaling 19 hours and 55 minutes.
Potential Societal Impact of Contributions: The description for the 2019 Native American $1 coin includes: “An astronaut, symbolic of Native American astronauts, including John Herrington, conducts a spacewalk above.” During his career, Herrington was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal, Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation, Coast Guard Meritorious Unit Commendation, Coast Guard Special Operations Service Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal and Sea Service Deployment Ribbons. He retired from the Navy and NASA in July 2005 and he continues inspiring young people and encouraging them to continue their pursuit of excellence in education.
Award Announcements 2022 AIAA Aerospace Communications Award Presented

On 20 October 2022, Riccardo De Gaudenzi, Head of ESA’s Electrical Engineering Department, was presented with the 2022 AIAA Aerospace Communications Award by Tom Butash, chair of the AIAA Communications Systems Technical Committee. The ceremony took place at the Joint 39th ICSSC and 27th Ka and Broadband Communications Conference Banquet in Stresa, Italy. De Gaudenzi was recognized “For his technical contributions and management leadership in the development of innovative technologies and systems for telecommunications, navigation and Earth observation applications.”